I now have sizes for everyone that was involved in the fire. The Charity League has stepped up thanks to the hard work of Susan Shaffer and we will be delivering clothing and necessities for all the kids involved tomorrow, but the kids will also need book bags and school supplies as well. The adults are still in need of many normal things that you and I take for granted. We will be doing a little shopping tomorrow for them to get them some undergarments, which are a big need. I have some of my own men's clothes that I am taking over to them tomorrow as well. I have some special surprises for Michael in my stash!
Here are the sizes for all the adults and I am still including the kids.
Amrine Family:
Sharon - 5 X pants and shirts
Travis – Large Shirt, 34x34 pants, 11-1/2 Shoe
Michelle – 3 pants, Small shirts, size 7 shoes
Michael – Large Shirt, 32x34 pants, 10 – 11 Shoes
Nick – 2 XL Shirts, 34x34, 11-1/2
Homer – 36x30 pants, XL Shirts, 9 shoe
Kelly Family:
Kerrigan age 12 - size 16 youth or 1 woman's jeans,medium shirts,and 7 shoe.
Brendan age 10 - size 10 pants,large shirts,and 6 shoe.
Landan age 8 - size 8 pants,medium shirts,and 2 shoe.
Aidan age 7 - size 8 pants,large shirts,and 2 shoe.
Noah age 7 - size 7 pants,medium shirts and 13 shoe.
Kids need backpacks and supplies for school as well.
Savanah – 13 pants – med to large shirts – large coat
Kim – 13 pants – med to large shirts – large coat
Dustin – 38 to 40 pants with 32 to 34 lengths – 3X or 4X shirts – 3X Coat
The Kelly family has found a home. It is in need of some repairs, but those can be met and are being taken care of. The Amrine family believe that they have found a home, but it may take 10-20 days before it is available to them.
With being in a home we now get into a whole new world of needs. No one has a bed, a couch, a chair, etc. Not sure if the new homes will even have appliances or not at this point either. I will be attempting to work with the United Way who has some connections with Goodwill and Easter Seals to possibly help with furnishings. I have two kitchen tables that I will be giving them, but only one table has chairs with it. I believe that I can also find a couple of Christmas trees for them to have so that they can get back into the spirit of the season.
These two families have been through more in this week than we can truly imagine. Seeing them and helping them to stay positive and let them know that someone does care for them is something special. I hope that they know that we will be here for them as long as they need us, and as long as we can keep helping them.
Please share this information with everyone you know, and please step outside your comfort zone, donate some things that you may no longer need, so that these families can begin to put the pieces of their life back together. Let's come together as a community and show them what our #giveback is all about!
You can still drop off items to the Salvation Army, but make sure you tell them that it is for the fire families. You can also drop off items to Dave Deam at the Parker Store in the Plaza on Michigan Ave. You can also contact Michael Mitchell at [email protected] and I can make arrangements to get items from you.
Please share and please help!