Are you an individual or a business looking for a way to help your community? Simply click the button below and you will be redirected to our PayPal site where you can donate a monetary amount that you are comfortable with.
Thank you again for your #giveback spirit, and your ability to help those in need!
Thank you again for your #giveback spirit, and your ability to help those in need!
Big Four Foundation Donation
$10.00 - $100.00
Did you know that 90% of your donation will actually go towards helping a family. With our organization full of volunteers and low overhead, your donation actually helps people.
Your donation will be going to help people in emergent need in Shelby County, Ohio. We have helped families experiencing cancer treatments, organ transplants, car accidents, home fires, etc... These unexplained, unplanned circumstances can put a strain on a family. We are here to help.