Well here we go! We have already reached 29 of our 32 teams. We are also looking for sponsorship. You can register a team by going to this link: https://app.eventcaddy.com/…/hacker-c…/register/bundle/19326
You do not need any money and it will not charge you. We simply need your four golfers and t-shirt sizes!
This year has given all of us some hardships. I know that there may not be many businesses that can afford a sponsorship and we understand. If you or anyone you know owns a business and would like to sponsor, please let us know. We are going to be stepping out and attempting to help families in need during this strange 2020 year. We look forward to your continued support and thank you for standing with us this year! #giveback
We thank all of you that have already registered your team, and all those businesses that have reached out to us. We are so grateful that you put your trust in us to help those in need within our community. We will continue to do so as long as we can! Thank you!
Michael Mitchell
President - The Big Four Foundation