The Kelly family moved into their home at the end of December, and the Amrine family just got their keys this weekend.
We had a kitchen table and chairs, and a television that we delivered to their new house this evening and it was amazing to see how a simple roof over their head could bring joy. My wife made the comment that she was sorry that there were only four chairs, and Travis quickly said, "that is four more than we had before you stopped by". Such humility and gratefulness is amazing to see. These are truly good people, making the most out of the hand that they have been dealt. My heart goes out to them and their struggle to put the pieces back together.
There are still needs that we need help with. I have a contact that is looking for a home for an old couch and recliner. They could use about two more beds for adults, and any dressers, nigh stands, or any furniture is really welcomed at this point. We have a shot at possibly getting them a microwave which will help in the kitchen, and they are in desperate need of kitchen utensils, pots, pans,silverware, and dishes.
We are also still working with the Days Inn to get their hotel bills paid off for them.
We have some money, but not nearly enough to cover the expense of spending several weeks in the hotel. The Amrine family still has one hotel room as the water is not yet turned on and they need that to take showers and such.
Please contact me if you have anything that you would like to donate and I can get that to them. If you would like to donate money to help pay for the hotel rooms, you can simply go over to our Donate page and make a donation directly to the Big Four Foundation and we will get their bills paid for.
Thank you so much to everyone who has stepped up, gotten out of their comfort zone and helped us ease the discomfort of getting back to normal for these families. They are very grateful for everyone's help.
Yesterday was a celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.and what he meant to people, in general, and what he did for civil rights.
"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity". - Martin Luther King Jr.
Michael Mitchell
The Big Four Foundation
[email protected]